saam architecture and ABC Imaging take 3D Technology to the Fashion World!

The fashion concepts were designed by saam architects for The New England Chapter of the International Interior Design Association Fashion Show. The design combines the use of 3D Printing technology and customized, printed latex fabrics to create an award-winning concept.
Each year two dozen of the region’s best interior design firms and design schools team up with industry manufacturers and battle it out on the runway in front of a capacity crowd at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC) ballroom. Designers from each team don fashions that they’ve created exclusively from the tools of their trade –interior finishes, furnishings, light fixtures, etc. – and compete for cheers, awards and bragging rights. It’s one of the most amazing displays of unbridled creativity in the city, an unforgettable experience, and one of the hardest tickets to come by as the show sells out every year.
ABC Imaging collaborated with saam architects to support the printing efforts for this exciting competition. We used our HP370 latex printer to create the latex fabric for the female's dress and the Airwolf Axiom 3D printer to create the 3D elements of the outfits. This included the trusses on the back of the female's dress and the shoulder boards on the male's outfit.
ABC Imaging will be featuring both of these outfits at our NYC Premiere on November 3rd.
Come by and see them in person!
saam Architecture, was established in June 2014, and is composed of leaders from the former Boston studio of Burt Hill, conducting business in New England since 1997.